Are there Different Mesothelioma Treatment Options?
Described By Our Mesothelioma Attorneys
Regrettably, there is currently no known cure for malignant mesothelioma, although several significant advancements have been made in the manner of treatment of the disease.
Any type of prognosis for the effectiveness of treatment and the future of the disease depends upon different and varying criteria including a tumor’s resistance to treatment, the cell type of the tumor, tumor stage and size, and how much the tumor has progressed prior to detection.
It is also unfortunate that the disease spreads as it does. Mesothelioma is not like many other cancers in that it does not grow in a standard tumor form. Instead, it spreads along surfaces of organs, cavity walls and blood vessels. This makes the disease more difficult to target and, therefore, more difficult to treat effectively. Mesothelioma treatment options are relatively limited and, currently, there is no cure for malignant mesothelioma.
Common Mesothelioma Treatment Options
Some traditional cancer treatment options that have varying rates of success and are still common include:
- Surgery (including tumor removal if possible)
- Chemotherapy
- Radiation Therapy
These are still the standard mesothelioma treatment options regarding this kind of cancer but, as stated before, this cancer is very rare and, therefore, successful treatments are harder to determine. Surgery continues to be used as a viable option to treat the disease, particularly if the patient is in generally good health and the tumor is localized. Although a cure for the disease through this means is very unlikely, an extension of the patient’s life span and a benefit to the quality of life can be attained.
What are the Side Effects of Mesothelioma Treatment?
Chemotherapy is another cancer treatment option that is used to relieve symptoms of the disease but is not seen as a cure. Having the intention of killing infected cells, this treatment is administered by mouth or injection directly into the bloodstream. Side effects are a common occurrence with chemotherapy, however, and can include bruises or bleeding after minor cuts, fatigue, vomiting, hair loss, oral sores, and an increased risk of infection among other effects.
Radiation is used as a type of therapy in conjunction with other therapies in some cases. It is administered through the use of normal X-Ray machines in many cases and involves bombarding the infected areas with radioactive light over an extended time. Like other therapies, radiation is not considered a cure. Its effectiveness varies and, at best, it usually serves as an aid to other, more targeted approaches.
Knowing the cause of this disease is an important part of fighting this disease. Our mesothelioma lawyers keep up to date on the most recent treatment options in order to better serve our clients. If it is possible to prove where our client was exposed to asbestos, there may be grounds for a mesothelioma lawsuit, which will help to cover the cost of care and treatment.
If you want more information about treatment options or if you want to determine how you were exposed to asbestos, please contact one of our mesothelioma lawyers today for a free consultation. Our mesothelioma law firm are here to help.